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Tae-Young Kim

About me

Over mij

Tae-Young Kim, in Zuid-Korea geboren, is actief in Nederland als pianodocent en pianist. Zij geeft klassiek piano lessen voor alle leeftijd en niveau.


Seoul Arts High School, Ewha Womans Univ. in Seoul,

Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen (Duitsland)

- Piano Bachelor, Diploma

Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, Conservatorium van Amsterdam

- Fortepiano Bachelor, Master


Privè pianolessen meer dan 14 jaar

Pedagogy method assistant voor Piano Masterclassen met piano pedagoog Peter Feuchtwangern (Londen)


 Tae-Young Kim, born in South Korea, is active as a piano teacher, performer and accompanist living in the Netherlands. She gives classic piano lessons for all the ages and levels.



Seoul Arts Highschool, Ewha Womans University in Seoul (PIANO)

Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen in Germany

(PIANO, Fortepiano-historic pianos from the 18th & 19th century)

Royal Conservatory of the Hague (Fortepiano)

Conservatory of Amsterdam (Fortepiano)


-Private lessons for more than 14 years

-Pedagogy methode asistance for Piano Masterclasses with 

   the Piano Pedagogue Prof. Peter Feuchtwanger (London)

*For more info about Tae-Young Kim :

                         Peter Feuchtwanger  :




How It Works

How It Works   : Over Pianoles


Privé les is standaard vorm. Lessen aan huis zijn mogelijk. Leerlingen kunnen pianospeel, notenlezen, algemene muziektheorie, gehoortraining, nog verdere activiteiten voor muzikale plezier en vaardigheid. Elk jaar vindt open podium voor leerlingen plaats.



- Landelijk GraadExamen Piano


Als EPTA Nederland Graadexamen Docent, kan ik leerlingen Landelijk Graadexamen Piano laten voorbereiden en deelnemen. Detail info is beschikbaar via e-mail uit toegevoegde file en EPTA Nederland website.



Private lesson is the basic form. Lessons at pupil's home are possible. Pupils can learn piano playing, reading notes, music theory, ear training, other activities to develop musical ability and to enjoy music efficiently. I organize open podium for my pupils in annual basis.

EPTA Nederland GLP - Piano Exam


As a graadexamen EPTA NL docent, I can help pupils prepare and participate the GraadExamen Piano by European Piano Teachers Association Netherlands. Further information is available via e-mail in the attached file.



김태영 선생님 레슨정보

서울예고, 이화여대, 독일 트로싱엔 국립음대에서 피아노과를 졸업한 김태영 선생님은 세계적인 피아노 페다고지 교수 Peter Feuchtwanger를 2년 이상 사사하고 고음악(시대연주)의 중심지인 네덜란드에서 헤이그 왕립음악원, 암스테르담 음대 포르테피아노(고전피아노) 전공으로 졸업하였으며 암스테르담 음대의 피아노 교수법 클래스를 수강하였습니다.

10여년간의 다양한 경험과 지식이 바탕이 된 노하우를 살려 정통 클래식 피아노 레슨 기반의 음악레슨을 모든 연령대, 모든 수준의 수강생에게 제공하고 있습니다.

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레슨규정, 레슨비, 장소 등 상세한 정보는 이메일 연락을 통해 받아보실 수 있습니다.

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